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Outside Resources

Adoptive Family Mag

Subscribe so that you can download free articles and sign up to receive their e-newsletter "Adoptive Families Update". Make sure you reference our partnership program code when you subscribe as Adoptive Families will donate $5.00 to further Taplink's work for any new or renewal subscription. Partnership Program Code = P09220


A growing list of parents and professionals interested in attachment and bonding issues.

Center for Adoption Support and Education

Provides information for kids, teens, parents, birth parents, educators and professionals.

Child Welfare Gateway

Provides access to information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. Visit often for the latest on a wide range of topics from prevention to permanency, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, and adoption.

Children and Adults with ADHD

Education Law

Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute

A useful source of information for adoptive parents and professionals. Their goal is to identify the best information on adoption that is available, analyze and synthesize that information, and make it readily accessible to the adoption community.

FAS Community Resources

Has good information on the diagnosis, treatment and parenting of children with FAS/FAE

Foster Parent College

Offers on-line training for foster, adoptive, kinship, and birth parents. These interactive courses provide valuable information, insights and advice from experts on dealing with challenges faced by foster parents.

Fostering Families Today Mag

Fostering Families TODAY Magazine is a bimonthly publication of stories and informative articles for foster and adoptive parents and the professionals who serve them. Order online or by phone: (888) 924-6736, credit cards accepted. $24 a year.

Juvenile Law

A non-profit, public interest law firm which advances the rights and well being of children in jeopardy. They work for the reform and coordination of the child welfare, juvenile justice and public health care systems in their delivery of services to children.

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